A Dog “Fails” Police Exam Due to “Too Friendly” Nature and Sympathizing with Criminals

When we think of “police dogs,” we often picture brave and stern canines relentlessly chasing down criminals, right? However, there is one particular dog that “failed” the police training exam not once, but twice, due to its excessively friendly and affable smile, even breaking into a smile. It seems this dog is more interested in playing with wrongdoers than apprehending them.

This is a picture of a “special student” of the school :)))

Meet the “maverick trainee” of the police academy: a young 2-month-old German Shepherd puppy in Nevada, USA. After over a month of strict training, including specialized courses like biting and sniffing, this peculiar trainee seemed to fall behind his peers in performance.

The most comical and disappointing moment came during the test for bite assessment. This senior pup showed reluctance to inflict any significant harm on the “bad guys” and barely nibbled, equivalent to a mosquito bite. What’s more, he seemed afraid to start the criminals, gently nibbling and then giving them a friendly look. The instructor was at a loss and exclaim, “Why is this dog showing solidarity with the villains?”

Despite a healthy and strong physique and excelling in physical tests, this trainee excels only in being “high on love” during exams that involve confronting criminals. Even on his second attempt, he waved his tail enthusiastically at the wrongdoers, treating them as his buddies. Another young canine trainee displayed a similar tendency.

After just one month of training, this other police dog candidate was “let go” and had to leave the academy. So where would its fate lead? Most of the dismissed dogs would be registered for adoption on various websites.

However, this particular pup named Cako had a different destiny awaiting him. An empathetic police officer decided to take him home. Despite being “unemployed” as a police dog, Cako seemed cheerful when boarding the officer’s vehicle, wagging his tail and obediently sitting in the passenger seat.

Was it a deliberate effort by the dog to fail the exams? The officer is now suspicious; could it be that Cako wanted to escape the career path and stay with him instead? Thus, with mutual happiness, the officer and the dog drove back home, promising each other a new and vibrant life together.

In the end, the adorable and kind-hearted Cako may not have made it as a fierce police dog, but he found a loving home where his friendly nature is cherished. Sometimes, being “too friendly” can lead to a beautiful and unexpected journey in life.

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Au Gia Lam