A 1932 American Bantam that was used for ferry service over the Pudding River in Oregon

A 1932 American Bantam that was used for ferry service over the Pudding River in Oregon. The operator removed the tires and placed rubber bands on the rims for traction. Three cables were strung, two for the wheels and the third attached through the top of the car for stability. It was said that one gallon of gas was enough for 1500 trips across the 120 foot span.

The 1932 American Bantam that was used for ferry service over the Pudding River in Oregon was a unique sight to behold. With its tires removed and rubber bands placed on the rims for traction, it was an ingenious solution to the problem of how to transport people and goods across the river.

The three cables that were strung for support and stability only added to the novelty of the vehicle. Two were for the wheels, and the third was attached through the top of the car. This ensured that the ferry remained stable even in choppy waters.

What’s even more remarkable about this vehicle is that it was incredibly fuel-efficient. One gallon of gas was enough for an astounding 1500 trips across the 120-foot span of the Pudding River. This is a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of the people who came up with this solution to the problem of river transportation.

The American Bantam was originally designed as a compact car for urban areas. However, it was repurposed to serve a completely different function, and it did so admirably. The ferry service it provided was essential for the local community, and it operated for many years before eventually being retired.

Today, the 1932 American Bantam that was used for ferry service over the Pudding River in Oregon is a reminder of the ingenuity and resourcefulness of our ancestors. It is a testament to the fact that, with a little creativity and determination, we can solve even the most challenging problems. And who knows, maybe the next time we face a problem, we can draw inspiration from this vehicle and come up with an equally innovative solution.

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