8-Week-Old Infant Surprises All by Saying ‘I Love You’

As your child learns to crawl, talk, and walk, they may smile for the first time when they can hold a bottle by themselves. Every encounter is equally amazing and fantastic. But let’s talk about our newborns first, before they can do these things. According to research, newborns as young as six months can start to grasp language.

One baby on the Internet demonstrated this with a remarkable example. She is even much younger than six months. This infant is currently 8 weeks old. The scene where the mother turns off the camera and whispers comforting words to her child is shown at the beginning of the video, which the fortunate mother was able to record.

Mother: “You’re so cute,” she says to her baby.
Baby: “Really?” Mom asks.
Mother: “Did you enjoy yourself this Christmas? Have you? Did you achieve your goals in full? How did Santa treat you? Yeah? I’m happy you enjoyed yourself. You’re such a joyful infant.”

Mother: “Mommy loves you. Mama loves you. I love you,” she says to her baby.

Mom then received a response she totally wasn’t prepared for. Her infant returned her coos, appearing to tell her, “I love you.”

Mother: “Aww, did you say I love you?” Mom asks her baby, laughing. “I love you, sweetheart.”

Although it sounds like it, we’re not sure if this baby actually said “I love you.” This infant seemed to be making an effort to mimic what their mother said. People couldn’t help but express their opinions about what they heard the baby say after the video was posted online.

Someone wrote: “What a lovely, darling little poppet. Bless you. The hardest of hearts would melt at that smile. And it certainly sounds as though she was doing her best to mimic Mom’s words.”

Then, another mother made the following statement: “I have three grown sons who shave and leave whiskers in the sink. This video made me long for my baby days. I am aware that you are all sleep-deprived, but enjoy this moment.”

“Oh my. What a lovely infant that is. And I also heard you are loved. Precious. Treasure these times,” one more wrote.

A University of Pennsylvania study, reported by Fox News, found that infants between the ages of six and nine months are able to understand the meaning of common words before they can even speak. Before that, it was thought that young children could only comprehend parts of the sounds around them but not their full meaning.

Let’s take a look at that sweet moment through the video below.


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