The Adorable Seal Cherishing Its Mini-Me Toy Gifted by a Devoted Owner

This heartwarming tale features a rescued earless seal embracing a plush version of itself, creating one of the most adorable scenes we’ve come across in a long time. This cheerful seal calls Japan’s Hokkaido Prefecture’s Okhotsk Tokkari Center its home, where the staff presented him with a stuffed toy that resembled him.

Little did the staff know just how attached this seal, who is currently being hand-reared due to an injury, would become to his new stuffed friend. They shared countless cuddles as he gleefully hugged his miniature look-alike, even going so far as to take it for a piggyback ride!

The center, Japan’s sole marine conservation facility, is renowned for its dedication to the well-being of earless seals. In the Ainu language, “Tokkari” translates to “earless seal.”

Recognizing that this adorable love story was too precious not to share, the center posted photos of the heartwarming duo on Twitter. The public wholeheartedly agreed, with the tweet being shared over 26,000 times.

And if that’s not enough to melt your heart, this earless seal goes the extra mile by giving his stuffed buddy a piggyback ride!

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