10 Insights from a Mother’s Perspective on Raising Identical Triplets

Juggling two toddlers and a full-time job, the idea of being pregnant with twins seemed improbable. Twins didn’t run in our family. Yet, there I was, lying on a cold metal table, where a new doctor bluntly informed me, “There are three heartbeats. You’re having triplets.”

Months later, the news came that they were identical triplets. My concerns about cars, dinners, and vacations vanished. Instead, I wished for three healthy babies—praying for ten fingers, ten toes, functional hearts, and working eyes.

Thankfully, they were healthy, bypassing the NICU. A decade has rushed by, and our three boys, with odds of about a hundred million to one, turn 10 this year on 10/10. In honor of their golden day, here are ten lessons to survive the whirlwind of raising identical triplets.

  1. Celebrate Their Differences: Dress them uniquely so you can tell them apart from the beginning. Paint their big toenails different colors — red, blue, green. This helps not only you but them develop their individuality.
  2. Plastic Bags are a Must: Always carry plastic bags, whether for dirty diapers, backseat accidents, or mini-van trash. They’re indispensable for handling unexpected messes.
  3. Handle Random Comments Gracefully: Be ready for curious questions or unsolicited opinions. Develop polite responses to inquiries about triplets or the journey to having them.
  4. Venture Outdoors: Regardless of the time it takes, get them outside. Fresh air benefits everyone, even if you spend more time preparing to leave than actually outside.
  5. Timing Matters for Potty-Training: Potty-training triplets is a challenge; don’t rush them into underwear prematurely. Accidents happen, even in public places, but stay calm and leave gracefully.
  6. Highchairs are Multifunctional: Use highchairs as playpens; contain their playtime and reduce clutter. Your house might thank you, even if they protest being “stuck.”
  7. Separate Classes for Kindergarten: Put them in separate classes. Don’t burden their kindergarten teacher with distinguishing identical triplets; it’s fairer to everyone involved.
  8. Sibling Assistance is Key: Engage older siblings in helping with the triplets. It teaches responsibility and teamwork, and they might even surprise you by taking on more tasks as they grow.
  9. Listen to Their Voices: Pay attention to their thoughts and feelings, no matter their age. Empathy and understanding go a long way in nurturing their emotional well-being.
  10. Cherish the Moments: Amidst the chaos, remember the little moments. The challenges don’t define your journey; it’s the connections and memories you create that matter most.
  11. Moм Giʋes Top 10 Tips Raisinig Identical Triplets

So, as the years fly by, make the most of these insights. Before you know it, your kids will be turning ten, and you’ll be grateful for the adventures you shared as a family.


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