The Unbelievable Arrival of a Remarkable 13-Pound Baby Boy

Life has a way of surprising us, especially during pregnancy, when the only hope is for a healthy baby, regardless of size. Natashia Corrigan, a mother from Australia, received news during her 36-week ultrasound scan that she should expect a larger-than-average baby. As a mother of three, she thought she knew what to anticipate for her fourth child. However, when she reached 40 weeks and five days into her pregnancy, Natashia and her partner, Brian Liddle, welcomed Baby Brian Jr., who turned out to be quite the hefty bundle.Baby Brian Jr. measured an impressive 57 centimeters in length and weighed a staggering 6.06 kilograms (approximately 13.5 pounds) at birth. This made him one of the heaviest babies ever born naturally at the Mercy Hospital for Women and one of the largest newborns in Australia. Natashia expressed her joy, stating, “I’ve always wanted a little fat baby, and now I’ve got a big baby.

What’s even more remarkable is that Natashia achieved a natural delivery without the use of general anesthesia or an epidural. She powered through seven long hours of labor, relying on laughing gas (a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen) for pain relief. While laughing gas is a relatively mild anesthetic, it is considered safe during labor.

Baby Brian Jr.’s birth weight exceeds the average newborn weight of around 7.5 pounds, falling between the range of 5.5 and 10 pounds. He is already twice the size of an average baby, and even newborn-sized diapers don’t fit him properly. Natashia expressed gratitude for Brian and her sister, Kurriki Ellis, who provided support during the birthing process. She mentioned that due to Baby Brian Jr.’s size, it was a bit challenging to deliver him, requiring extra staff members to assist.

Brian admitted that the birth of their fourth child was a bit scary, but both mother and baby are doing well now. Natashia still finds it a little hard to believe the extraordinary experience she went through. She mentioned being in shock, not only because of the natural birth but also because she only used gas for pain relief.

When asked for advice for other pregnant mothers aiming for a natural birth, Natashia emphasized the power of positive thinking and deep breathing during labor. Her experience serves as a reminder to stay positive and embrace the strength within during childbirth.

This remarkable story of Baby Brian Jr.’s birth showcases the unexpected nature of life and the resilience of both mother and child.


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