Record the feelings of birth and the first seconds of life

In a world filled with captivating moments frozen in time, photographers hailing from every corner of the globe have skillfully captured the essence of childbirth in all its unfiltered and awe-inspiring beauty. The winners of this year’s Birth Photographer of the Year Award have consistently presented emotionally charged and remarkably intimate images, encapsulating both the joy and the pain of childbirth in intricate detail.

Esteemed photographer Lacey Barratt founded this international competition in collaboration with Atkins Lab, aiming to provide a platform that dignifies the artistry of beautiful and intricate birth photography.

As one of the fourteen experienced judges responsible for selecting the award recipients, 34-year-old Lacey, a birth photographer with 11 years of expertise from Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, was among the nominees for the birth photography award. The runners-up included Rianpa Cross from Queensland, Australia, in second place, and Colby Tulachan from New York, securing third place. The coveted first place was awarded to Laura Brink from Queensland, Australia.

Lacey, a mother of five, firmly believes in showcasing the winning images of the competition despite the submission of 356 entries by birth photographers from various countries like Brazil, Portugal, France, Germany, Australia, and New Zealand.

While there exist numerous remarkable photography competitions globally, Lacey stressed that these contests aren’t exclusively tailored to emerging photographers. Therefore, she emphasized the significance of hosting a competition like this. Birth photographers often find themselves grouped alongside documentary, photojournalism, and wedding photography genres due to their unique narrative approach. Wedding images and birth photos, though seemingly related, represent two entirely distinct extremes when evaluating and comparing them. The credibility of such a prestigious award heavily relies on the jury’s specialized training in birth photography.

This marks the competition’s second year, and Lacey expressed her excitement about continuing this initiative for many years to come. She stated, “We are searching for images that surpass the expectations of what is traditionally given to a newborn customer. The images we sought went beyond mere visual communication and transcended the storytelling standards we would typically anticipate from any professional. The energy surrounding the competition is undeniably electrifying. I am deeply honored to host an incredible event that fulfills a niche demand within the market.”

Hanna Hill from the United States submitted her photograph titled ‘My Body, My Birth,’ capturing a poignant moment of a mother and her newborn seated on a bed post-childbirth. The emotional journey of childbirth was vividly captured in Rianpa Cross’ competition entry, taken in Australia, portraying a father embracing the mother after she had brought their child into the world.

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Be Hieu