Tragic Incident: Scientist Devoured by Crocodile While Feeding It in Indonesian Laboratory


A horrifying incident unfolded at a research facility in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, where an Indonesian scientist, Deasy Tuo, aged 44, was tragically attacked and devoured by a 17-foot-long crocodile named Merry. The incident occurred while Deasy was carrying out her routine task of feeding the crocodile on Friday morning.




It is believed that Merry the crocodile managed to leap an 8-foot wall and drag Deasy into its enclosure while she was feeding it. The grim discovery was made by shocked staff at the CV Yosiki Laboratory when they noticed a “strange shape” in the water. Tragically, they found Merry with Deasy’s remains still in its jaws.

Officials speculate that the crocodile stood on its hind legs and used its strength to overcome the wall, an unexpected behavior that led to the tragic encounter.

Despite being fed a regular diet of fresh chicken, tuna, and meat, the crocodile’s attack on humans had not been previously anticipated. Rescuers faced great difficulty in retrieving Deasy’s body from the water as the crocodile thrashed violently whenever attempts were made to recover the remains.

Merry was captured in the city of Tomohon and is set to undergo medical tests to confirm whether it had consumed parts of the victim’s body. Authorities are also working to identify the owner of the crocodile and investigate whether he had the necessary permits to keep such dangerous animals.

Deasy Tuo, the lead scientist at the laboratory, was known as a quiet person who had a passion for animals. The tragic incident has sent shockwaves through the community and highlights the unpredictable and powerful nature of these apex predators, reminding us of the inherent risks associated with working closely with wild animals.




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