Have you heard about the famous ‘Cat Man of Aleppo’ from Syria, also known as Alaa? He became widely known for his extraordinary efforts in rescuing animals during the chaotic war in Syria. This compassionate individual stood by their side until the very last moment, eventually having to flee for his own safety. After spending several months in Turkey, he has now returned and is tirelessly working to establish a haven for homeless cats once again. What’s even more remarkable is that he recently undertook the rescue of a dog along with her 15 utterly adorable puppies. Alaa’s compassion knows no bounds, as he extends his almost saint-like dedication to helping animals in need.

Just in the past month, Alaa, who also works as an ambulance driver, stumbled upon a hungry dog taking refuge in an open field. As he got closer, he was surprised to find 15 precious pups huddled together. Naturally, he couldn’t resist intervening to help – a trait that truly defines his empathy for both cats and dogs.

At present, he diligently provides nourishment to this canine family every day and is in the process of setting up a safe space for the mother dog and her puppies within his sanctuary. “We’re in the process of building a shelter for them,” revealed Alessandra Abidin, a friend of the rescuer who manages the private Facebook group for Il Gattaro d’Aleppo (the ‘Cat Man of Aleppo’) from her home in Italy, as reported by The Dodo.