Unconditional Love: A Mother’s Devotion to Imperfection

Since her heartwarming photos went viral on the internet, a young girl born with a cleft lip and palate has captured the hearts of many. Sutton, a five-week-old baby born to Courtney and Gavin Gardiner from Texas, arrived in mid-December. Shannon Morton was chosen to capture Sutton’s first official photographs.

“We regret not taking maternity or newborn photos with our little one,” Courtney expressed. “From early on, I knew I didn’t want to miss out on a similar experience during this pregnancy when we learned about Sutton.” Following the photo session, Morton shared a beautiful image of Sutton peacefully asleep on her business’s Facebook page, dressed in a cozy blanket and a matching flowered hat.

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

The portraits of nine-week-old Sutton Gardiner gained traction after photographer Shannon Morton shared these heartwarming pictures on her business’s Facebook page last month. The Gardiners, parents to a three-year-old son named Asher as well, were informed of their daughter’s right unilateral cleft lip and palate during her 20-week ultrasound. “Lots of smiling babies in the studio lately! Meet adorable Sutton, the cutest little redhead!” Morton captioned the image.

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

The following day, another endearing portrait of baby Sutton emerged, showing her donning a flower crown as she dozed with her chin resting in her hands. Initially apprehensive about public reactions to her daughter’s photos due to the potential negativity from online strangers, Courtney was relieved to find an outpouring of love and support in the comments. “People were incredibly kind and thoughtful, leaving messages about how beautiful she looked,” the mother shared. “Some even shared stories about their own friends or family with cleft lip and palate.”

Since Morton’s initial post on January 26th, it has garnered over 728,000 likes and nearly 7,000 comments. The Gardiners, with their three-year-old son Asher, confessed that they didn’t anticipate their daughter’s portrait to gain such viral attention, but they were delighted by the positive response. Courtney and Gavin were uncertain about what to expect when Sutton was diagnosed with a cleft lip and palate during her 20-week ultrasound. Cleft lip and palate are splits or gaps in the upper lip and roof of the mouth that occur during pregnancy, as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Initially, Sutton’s cleft palate posed challenges for feeding, and she spent 18 days in the NICU at Texas Children’s Hospital, where her parents serenaded her with music. “She’s determined and a little stubborn,” Courtney remarked. “But you can tell she’s going to be a social butterfly. She adores being held and craves any kind of attention.”

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

Sutton’s striking photograph inspired her parents to share her journey on their Facebook page, “My Cleft Cutie,” in the hopes of offering solace to other parents facing similar diagnoses. Concerned about potential health issues, Courtney spent the night before her appointment praying for Sutton’s heart to be healthy. She breathed a sigh of relief when they were assured that Sutton’s heart appeared normal during the ultrasound.

“The last part they did was the ultrasound of her face, and that’s when the sonographer basically said, ‘Oh, she has a cleft lip,'” Courtney recalled. “I was completely caught off guard and shocked because it wasn’t even something I considered as a possibility.” Courtney had assumed that cleft lip and palate were genetic, but the exact causes of these conditions in most babies remain unknown. Approximately 1 in 1,600 babies are born with a cleft lip and palate in the United States each year.

Her reaction was so overwhelming that tears streamed down her face as questions and concerns filled her mind. The doctor couldn’t provide many answers, leaving the Gardiners even more anxious about their daughter’s condition.

“We felt like the initial diagnosis wasn’t managed properly,” Gavin, 30, expressed. “It was like, ‘This is what it is.'” The Gardiners were referred to specialists at Texas Children’s Pavilion for Women in Houston, roughly an hour and a half away from their home.

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

“They were able to let us know how treatable it really is and how these kids can have amazing lives and get through this with support,” Courtney said. She began consulting an obstetrician at the hospital around her 36th week of pregnancy and joined a support group for mothers of children with cleft palates and lips on Facebook, connecting with other parents who understood her experience.

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

“Being able to ask those mothers questions and follow their sons’ journeys was really comforting and encouraging,” she recalled. After Sutton’s birth, she spent 18 days in the NICU due to her cleft palate, which made feeding a challenge.

Gavin noted that the comments they received on Facebook after Sutton’s photos went viral were a “huge source of encouragement” following her NICU stay. Sutton is scheduled for her first lip repair surgery in March, and a second surgery to close her palate is planned around her first birthday.

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

“She’s stubborn and a little headstrong,” Courtney said. “But you can tell she’s going to be a very outgoing girl. She loves being held and craves any kind of attention. When her brother is around, she lights up as he approaches, especially if he brings her things.” Gavin added that Sutton also enjoys listening to music, which they started playing for her in the NICU.

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

The Gardiners are appreciative of the care Sutton has received at Texas Children’s Hospital and the online community that has stood by them throughout their journey. Their daughter’s viral photo has motivated them to share their story on their Facebook page, “My Cleft Cutie,” aiming to provide comfort to others facing similar situations. The couple is resolute in letting parents whose children are diagnosed with cleft palates know that “everything will be okay.”

A baby may not be perfect, but that baby will be the unconditional love of the parents. P1 - LifeAnimal

“While things may seem daunting and dark during the initial period of diagnosis, it’s actually something beautiful that is 100% treatable and manageable,” Courtney reassured. “These kids are just incredible and resilient, overcoming so much at such a young age.”

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