Tiny One-Pound Baby Overcomes Challenges with Twin Brother’s Cuddles

Kelly Graves, 32, and her husband Billy, 35, hailing from Benfleet, Essex, stand unwavering in their belief that Chester’s struggle for survival can be attributed to the unbreakable bond he shares with his twin brother. Identical twins, inseparable from birth, their connection has been a source of strength in the face of adversity.

Chester Graves, one of the identical twins, along with his brother Otis, attests to this sentiment. “Our 1-kg son is thriving and developing healthily thanks to our brother’s hugs,” says Chester, a testament to the power of their bond.

For mother Kelly, there’s no doubt that this bond has played a pivotal role in Chester’s battle. “Holding her twin helped her battle on,” Kelly asserts emotionally. The twins’ first meeting since their birth on September 22nd was a poignant moment, and despite Otis being asleep, Chester’s gaze remained fixated on his brother. Kelly shares, “It was everything I had been waiting for.”

Chester’s journey continues in the neonatal section at the South Hospital, where heartwarming images capture the twins side by side during family visits. Kelly reflects on the challenging moment she learned, at 16 weeks, that her babies differed in size by 25%, signifying an underlying concern for Chester’s health.

A condition known as selective restriction in utero, preventing Chester from receiving vital nutrients through the placenta and impeding his growth, became apparent. The brothers’ significant stature difference can be attributed to this condition. Kelly and Billy sought treatment at a London hospital, opting for a laser procedure at 19 weeks.

Despite the surgery, Chester’s growth remained slow at around 25g per week, in contrast to Otis’s rapid progress at 100g per week. Kelly’s determination to support her son’s growth led her to consume high protein content and increase water intake.

While these efforts have been instrumental, Chester’s fight has been relentless. Stability prevailed until Kelly’s waters broke at 28 weeks, necessitating a trip to Addenbrooke Hospital in Cambridge. On July 15th, Chester, born at 28 weeks, weighed a mere one pound, one ounce, while his sibling Otis weighed three pounds, seven ounces.

Chester’s arrival brought about new challenges. A knot in his umbilical cord, discovered upon his birth, had hindered his growth. The medical team expedited his incubation, alongside Otis who had a comparatively smoother journey.

Today, Otis weighs 6 pounds 3 ounces and has been discharged after six weeks in the hospital. In contrast, little Chester, having fought every step of the way, weighs only 3 pounds 6 ounces. Despite his trials, he remains determined to return home and reunite with his parents, his brother Otis, and the rest of his family.

Kelly’s emotions are mixed as Otis enjoys the comforts of home while Chester continues his battle. “It’s a mixture of emotions because now we have Otis at home… but there’s also a sense of sadness as we feel complete only when we both have children together,” Kelly expresses. Yet, their love and determination are unwavering, and their journey is a testament to the strength of familial bonds and the power of perseverance.

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