A Tiny Miracle: Remembering Azaiah’s Impact and Embracing Healing

Kwek Yu Xuan after her premature birth, which came at just under 25 weeks' gestation.

Just a week ago, the world of my husband and I was turned upside down as we faced the unimaginable – the loss of our firstborn, our baby boy Azaiah, who was born still. Our hearts are heavy with the weight of grief as we come to terms with bidding farewell to a life that was brimming with hope and love.

Our path to parenthood was a three-year-long journey marked by struggles to conceive. The euphoria we felt upon receiving that long-awaited positive pregnancy test in April knew no bounds. It was a miracle, a gift of life that filled us with the anticipation of becoming parents.

From the outset of the pregnancy, I battled extreme nausea and vomiting, a relentless discomfort that persisted until the day I gave birth. Despite these challenges, I remained steadfast in my resolve, knowing that every moment of hardship would be worth it once we held our precious baby in our arms. However, fate had a different plan for us, and our dreams were shattered when I experienced premature rupturing of membranes at just 20 weeks and 1 day.

As Azaiah was placed in our arms, our hearts were consumed by questions about the why behind this tragedy. He and I were in perfect health, making his sudden passing all the more inexplicable. The pain of losing a child is a grief that transcends understanding, a heartache that words can’t fully convey. The void left behind by this loss is indescribable, forever altering the landscape of our lives.


The longing to become parents has been etched into my heart for as long as I can remember. I’ve always yearned to be a mother, and in a sense, I am one – even if my child isn’t physically present anymore. Yet, the pain of losing Azaiah is overwhelming, and the fear of facing such heartbreak again makes the prospect of future pregnancies daunting.

Amidst this time of profound sorrow and uncertainty, I find solace in the unwavering support of my husband and loved ones. Their presence and empathy provide a guiding light through this otherworldly pain, and I’m deeply grateful for those who hold space for me during this challenging time.

While the answers we seek may elude us, we treasure the fleeting time we had with Azaiah. In his short existence, he brought boundless joy and meaning to our lives. We hold onto the love and memories we shared with our precious baby boy, cherishing the moments we had together.

As we mourn the loss of Azaiah, we aspire to heal and gather the strength to forge ahead, even in the face of uncertainty. He will forever remain our little angel in heaven, etched into the core of our hearts.

In Azaiah’s memory, we strive to honor his legacy by finding comfort and healing in the love we share and by supporting one another through the darkest days. Our journey toward parenthood has been fraught with challenges, but we believe that love will serve as our compass, guiding us forward. Someday, we may summon the courage to try again.

For now, we hold tight to the precious memories of our sweet baby boy and embrace the love and support that surrounds us. Azaiah will forever be a part of our family, his presence an enduring beacon in our hearts.

To everyone who has offered us their presence and understanding during this difficult time, we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Your kindness and compassion speak volumes, transcending words. Wrapped in the embrace of love and support, we discover the strength to move forward, carrying with us the cherished memory of our beloved Azaiah.

May he find eternal peace in heaven, forever our little angel.

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Be Tien