A Mother from Australia Responds to Cruel Trolls Attacking Her Child’s Birthmark 

A Mother from Australia Responds to Cruel Trolls Attacking Her Child s Birthmark .t
A Mοther frοm Australia Resροпds tο Cruel Trοlls Attackiпg Her Child s Birthmark .t

A horrified mother has responded to callous bullies who speculated that her daughter’s visage had been “ped onto a pan” and predicted that her “horrible” child would never find love.


A devoted mother, Marianna Bowering, stated that she has always regarded her daughter’s dak face birthmark as a qe complement to her attractiveness that should be cherished.


The 27-year-old woman from Adelaide, South Australia, stated that her beautiful one-year-old daughter Angelica was born with a port-wine stain on her face, which she refers to as a ‘angel kiss’ due to its cede love devour form.

Thankfully, Angelica is in excellent health and will undergo frequent examinations to ensure that her port-wine stain does not pose any health risks.


While the majority of the people in Marianna’s life are accepting and accepting of Angelica’s birthmark, she frequently receives negative comments in person and online.

“I was advised not to draw attention to her face,” Marianna explained.

Why can’t she have an Instagram account without being bullied by adults online? It is rediculous.

They are cruelly tormenting a child. It is awful that she is not even two years old yet.

I would never conceal my young child because of what others may say; I believe she is ideal.


Marianna explained that while she and her husband, Corey, 27, were apathetic about the physical appearance of the skin condition, they were unaware that port wine stains could indicate developmental delays, seizures, and glaucoma because the stain covered her eyes.

Angelica has passed all exams and is perfectly healthy. As glaucoma may be dangerous, we must merely undergo routine eye exams, particularly for her eyes.

It was quite overwhelming to learn about the additional factors that may accompany a port-wine discoloration.

However, she is doing exceptionally well, and we couldn’t be more pleased for her.

While some insults were apparent, Marianna stated that there were times when individuals in public said things to her that were foolish, uncouth, or ultimately ‘back aded’ compliments.

She explained, “I believe some people are in denial about the stain because they believe it will fade with time.”

“What irritates me the most is when people tell me that, as she ages, she can simply do it with makeup.”

Why must she conceal it? She is free to exhibit it if she so chooses.

“Another thing that irritates me about her is when people tell me not to worry because she’s still beautiful.” This is an indirect compliment.

“People also ask me why she was wearing face paint, and I have to explain that it’s a birthmark.”

“Strangers constantly approach me and ask me questions, which I find somewhat impolite.”

“I don’t mind so much because, at the very least, I can educate them and help raise awareness.”


Now, the courageous mother is raising awareness of the issue and calling out the bullies who have said spiteful things about her daughter, such as inquiring if Angelica’s visage was placed on a pan.


“It breaks my heart to think of anyone being mean to her,” she continued. However, I now see her, and she is such a courageous, fearless young woman.

I am confident that she will endure whatever life tosses at her.

“She’s more than just her birthmark.” She is an individual who is unlike anyone else.

It is her superhero outfit. She has food all over her visage.”


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