Experience the splendor of the most amazing births of 2023, capturing incredible moments of “A mother’s sincere love for her child”.

Having a baby is an experience so it can be different, and the stories of the two families are the same. To capture and capture these challenging yet simple moments, birth photographers take on the role of both documentarian and artist, shooting before labor, delivery, and after I am a subjective but aesthetically satisfied mother. The Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP) just organized their 2020 Image of the Year contest, which recognizes and celebrates outstanding birth photography creators in all aspects of birth photography.

he Image сomрpetіtіoп is open to more than 1,100 IAPBP online community members residing in 51 companies around the world. They awarded the first prize to the winner as well as the top photos in the categories including Labor , Delivery , Postpartum , Birth details , as well as the most favorite images voted by the members. For 2020, VI-Photography’s Jessica Vink took home the top prize for her portrait of ѕtrіkіnɡ titled A Moment of ѕіlenсe. The image depicts a mother and her child receiving a well-deserved umbrella. Surrounding they are the delights of new motherhood that, though not destined to be glamorous, are wonderful in their truth. It is birth photography at its best.

The happiness of the whole family when witnessing the birth of a new member

Mother’s body hurts but always give the best for you

Dad is always with mom during all the time of giving birth

The moment when the baby cried for the first time, happiness broke out

Children are always cute in their parents’ eyes


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