California twins born minutes apart have birth dates in 2021 and 2022

Fraternal twins Aylin and Alfredo Trujillo were born on different days, months, and years.
Twins Alfredo Antonio and Aylin Yolanda Trujillo were born fifteen minutes apart at Natividad Medical Center in Salinas, California.
Courtesy Natividad Medical Center

One set of California twins were not only born on different days, they have two different birth years.

Born just fifteen minutes apart at Natividad Medical Center in Salinas, California, twins Aylin and Alfredo Trujillo will not share a birthday — or month, or year.

Born 15 minutes apart, the California twins were delivered in two separate years.

Parents Fatima Madrigal and Robert Trujillo have the new year to thank.

“It caught me by surprise,” Fatima Madrigal told TODAY Parents. “I was due January 16.”

Alfredo Antonio Trujillo was delivered first at 11:45 pm on December 31, 2021 weighing 6 pounds, 1 ounce. Twin sister Aylin Yolanda Trujillo entered the world exactly at midnight on Saturday, January 1, 2022 weighing 5 pounds, 14 ounces.

The CDC reports there are 120,000 twin births in the U.S. every year. Though twins account for just over 3% of all births, the hospital wrote in a social media announcement there is a one in two million chance of this happening.

“It’s crazy to me that they are twins and have different birthdays,” mom Fatima Madrigal was quoted in the hospital’s announcement. “I was surprised and happy that she arrived at midnight.”

Dr. Ana Abril Arias, a family doctor at Natividad Medical Group who helped deliver the twins, told TODAY the hospital staff knew there was a set of twins “on the board” to be delivered the day of December 31.

“We had started joking a little bit about one baby in December and one baby in January,” Arias told TODAY Parents.

The babies were born fifteen minutes apart.

“When the baby boy delivered, we waited because these babies were in separate bags,” Arias said. “Baby girl was higher, so we waited for her to come down a little. We broke the bag of water and let the baby decide when she can safely come out.”

Mom Fatima Madrigal holds the newborns at Natividad Medical Center in Monterey County.

The California-based physician credited her fellow medical workers for the twins’ safe delivery.

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“Dr. Natalie Silva deserves as much credit as I do for the safe arrival of these beautiful babies,” Arias, who began at Natividad in 2013 as an obstetrics fellow focusing on Caesarean sections and high risk pregnancies, told TODAY.

The fraternal twins join two older sisters and one older brother, Osvaldo, 11, Aracely, 3, and Kailani, 1.

Madrigal shared that her oldest son “was excited one of the babies was a boy.”

“The kids were very excited to meet (the twins),” Madrigal said. “Surprised and happy.”

“This was definitely one of the most memorable deliveries of my career,” Arias said. “It was one of my biggest pleasures and I’m thrilled to be part of (the twins’) story.”

And if her twins one day request separate birthday parties, Madrigal said she doesn’t think that will happen.

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