NASA Unveiling the Hidden Atmosphere of the Sun: An Astounding Composite of 90,000 Images

Astrophotographers Andrew McCarthy and Jason Guenzel have recently collaborated to create a breathtaking portrayal of the sun, capturing the intricate and fiery details of its atmosphere. Through their project titled “Fusion of Helios,” they have unveiled the typically unseen solar corona, the outermost layer of the sun that is usually concealed by its intense glare. This remarkable image is a result of approximately 90,000 individual photographs meticulously stitched together.

In order to achieve a scientifically accurate representation, McCarthy explains that they relied on NASA’s SOHO data as a reference point to transform Guenzel’s 2017 eclipse photo, aligning it with the sun’s distinctive features. The final composition is a harmonious blend of scientific accuracy and artistic interpretation, making it McCarthy’s personal favorite among his body of work.

The image reveals spicules, which are jets of plasma resembling delicate fibers that cover the sun’s surface. Additionally, a towering column emerges from the upper right section of the sun, reminiscent of a colossal tornado. This solar eruption, according to McCarthy, stands as tall as 14 planet Earths and rapidly rotates, expelling moon-sized balls of plasma.

The collaboration between McCarthy and Guenzel has resulted in a mesmerizing visual representation of the sun, showcasing the awe-inspiring phenomena occurring within its atmosphere. By capturing and illuminating the sun’s hidden features, they have created a testament to the beauty and complexity of our celestial neighbor.


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