Icarus Aerospace Unveils New Cost-Effective Close Air Support Aircraft: TAV™

Icarus Aerospace, a Canadian company, has recently unveiled a brand-new turboprop multi-role tactical fighter aircraft called the TAV™ – Tactical Air Vehicle. This aircraft is designed to serve as a cost-effective close air support platform with the ability to conduct persistent combat patrols.

According to Icarus Aerospace, the TAV™ offers an impressive 90% mission capability compared to modern fighters, while costing only 15% of their price. Moreover, it provides users with 100% flexibility, allowing for extensive customization based on specific mission requirements.

The baseline TAV™ features a twin tandem seat cockpit equipped with state-of-the-art avionics, sensor fusion technology, and network-centric capabilities. It will have a payload capacity of 8,000 pounds and an unrefueled endurance of approximately 6.5 hours during high-speed cruising.

Additionally, Icarus Aerospace has developed a fully militarized version of the TAV™ called the WASP™, which focuses on various mission profiles such as Close-Air Support (CAS), Maritime & Coastal Patrol, Anti-Submarine Warfare, and surveillance. The WASP™ will have a maximum takeoff weight (MTOW) of up to 21,000 pounds, a wing span of 51 feet (15.5 meters), and a length of 52 feet (15.85 meters).

Powered by twin 1700 SHP turboprop engines, the WASP™ can be equipped with a 360-degree AESA radar and up to two retractable FLIR turrets mounted on the chin and belly. It will also feature 11 external hard points capable of carrying a total load of 8,000 pounds. The armament options for the WASP™ include forward firing fixed cannon, a belly-mounted turret cannon (optional, up to 30 mm), laser-guided bombs and rockets, GPS-guided munitions, torpedoes, sono buoys, anti-ship rockets, and air-to-air IR missiles.

Icarus Aerospace has plans for a third variant known as the BRANTA™. This version is intended to be a long-endurance, high-altitude optionally-piloted/unmanned combat air vehicle (OPV/UCAV). The BRANTA™ will have a wing span of 98 feet (30.0 meters), an MTOW of up to 27,000 pounds, and an unrefueled endurance exceeding 30 hours.

Overall, Icarus Aerospace’s new line of aircraft offers a cost-effective and highly adaptable solution for close air support and other tactical roles. With their advanced capabilities and customizable features, these aircraft aim to provide reliable and versatile options for military operations.

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