Inches from death, seal manages to escape Great White shark after balancing on the beast’s NOSE.

A photographer named David ‘Baz’ Jenkins captured a remarkable moment off the coast of Cape Town, South Africa, where a seal narrowly escaped a Great White shark by balancing on its nose. The incident occurred during a Great White shark tour, and Jenkins was able to capture the incredible photographs.

The images depict the seal defying the odds and escaping from the jaws of death by perching on the massive shark’s nose, mere inches away from rows of razor-sharp teeth. The seal desperately jumps away from the fearsome predator while the tour group watches in awe.

According to Jenkins, the seals were returning to Seal Island after feeding in the open sea, with the sharks trailing beneath them. Due to the sharks’ dark backs, they are well camouflaged, making it difficult for the seals to spot them lurking below. When the shark decides to attack, it can accelerate at an astonishing speed of around 25mph, propelling both the shark and the seal out of the water.

Jenkins had witnessed sharks losing teeth during decoy breaches in the past, but this was the first time he had seen a tooth dislodged while attacking and killing a real seal. The breaching sharks demonstrated incredible speed and agility, leaving spectators breathless as they erupted from beneath the surface without warning.

The Great White shark is the largest predatory fish in the world, measuring up to 20 feet in length and weighing around 5,000 pounds. It is capable of completely leaving the water when attacking prey. The seal in this remarkable encounter was undoubtedly a lucky pup to have escaped such a dangerous situation.

These awe-inspiring photographs serve as a testament to the raw power and tenacity of the Great White shark and the resourcefulness of the seal that managed to outwit it, providing a glimpse into the fascinating dynamics of marine life in the waters off Cape Town.

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