Terrifying Moment as Huge Great White Shark Circles Fisherman’s Tiny Boat

In a heart-stopping encounter, a fisherman named Rodney Pacitti found himself in the presence of a massive great white shark while out on the waters of the Glitter Strip in the Gold Coast. The incident, which unfolded earlier this week, was captured on camera and has since garnered significant attention.

As Rodney Pacitti was enjoying a day of fishing, a white pointer estimated to be between 4 to 5 meters in length suddenly appeared beneath his small boat. The enormous shark gracefully swam directly under the vessel, causing the fisherman to exclaim in awe, “Oh s**t, look at the size of this shark under me – wow!” He couldn’t believe his eyes and questioned whether it was indeed a white pointer.

Nervousness crept in as Rodney Pacitti realized the sheer magnitude of the creature encircling his boat. In an attempt to capture the astonishing scene, he quickly switched cameras and took an aerial shot of his boat with the shark alongside it, showcasing the shark’s size, which appeared to match that of his own vessel. Astonished, he remarked, “Far out, look at the size of that. Holy smokes, he is massive! Wow, look at the size of him, he’s as big as my boat.”

Amidst the adrenaline and wonderment, doubts surfaced as to why a shark of such grandeur would be interested in the bait Rodney had set. Nevertheless, the shark eventually lost interest in the small boat, cruising behind it before returning to swim alongside the fisherman once more.

Rodney Pacitti took to social media to share a photo of this unforgettable encounter, humorously captioning it, “My boat just got a little smaller.” Reflecting on the experience, he described the feeling of being circled by such an incredible and immense shark as surreal. He added, “Then the day just got better and better!” Clearly, this remarkable event left a lasting impression on him, and he expressed his enthusiasm by stating that he had simply had the best time ever.


The awe-inspiring photos and video of the encounter have captivated audiences worldwide, reminding us of the majestic yet humbling presence of these magnificent creatures in our oceans. Rodney Pacitti’s experience serves as a reminder of the wonders and occasional risks associated with venturing into the natural habitats of marine wildlife.

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