Newborn’s Significant Size Leaves Everyone in Awe: Mother Delivers an Astounding 11-pound Baby

It’s truly remarkable to see the weight of this newborn baby! Typically, newborns weigh between 5.5 to 8.8 pounds, so an 11-pound baby is considered larger than average. While it’s not incredibly uncommon, it still falls on the higher end of the weight spectrum.

Last year, Sarah Dines gave birth to her first baby, Montague, who weighed 11 pounds 8 ounces, astonishing the doctors with his healthy size. Now 11 months old, Montague already has the size of an average three-month-old baby, despite being a newborn.

Sarah, a 35-year-old teacher from Broadstone, Dorset, initially planned for a water birth at home without any pain relief. However, due to Montague’s size, she eventually had to undergo an emergency C-section. Sarah explains, “All the scans were normal, so I was all set to have a home birth. Initially, I just wanted to have a water birth as my own form of pain relief. Monty was 10 days late, so it got to the point where the doctor was discussing a planned C-section or inducing me.”

Sarah ended up going to the hospital for an emergency C-section due to the intensity of the pain. She shares, “The pain got so bad that I asked for gas and air, and eventually, we had to go to the hospital. I didn’t want to be induced, and we had already discussed a planned C-section because of his late arrival; we even completed all the paperwork. That turned out to be useful because we had to go in for the emergency C-section, and all the forms were already filled out. He was so big when he was born, it looked absurd. The doctors were laughing when they took him out, and I didn’t understand why at first. One of them said he was ready for school, and even the small towel they wrapped him in didn’t fit. He was in the 99.9th percentile for height and 99.6th percentile for weight.” None of the clothes Sarah had prepared for Montague fit him when he was born.

As Montague grew older, his size continued to surpass expectations. Sarah explains, “Even the little cap they gave him at the hospital was too small. My sister had to rush and buy larger diapers because the ones we had didn’t fit him either. As he’s gotten older, he has consistently needed bigger clothes than his age. He’s almost one year old now and already wears clothing for 2-3-year-olds.” None of Sarah’s doctors could explain why Montague was born so big. She adds, “After he was born, we were both tested for gestational diabetes multiple times, but it was never positive. I’m 5 foot 9, and my husband Elliott, 41, is six feet tall, so we were never going to have a small baby. Neither of us was particularly large when we were born; I think I just carry big babies.”

Despite Sarah’s original plan for a home birth being derailed, she is grateful that Montague was safely delivered and is healthy. The family is thrilled to have their new and exceptionally sized member, and Montague has settled in wonderfully at home.

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