The Truth Behind Soviet Astronauts’ Encounter with a “Cosmic Angel”

When carrying out missions in outer space aboard Salyut 7, Soviet astronauts reported seeing strange creatures with large wings resembling “angels” behind their backs.

The Soviet Union launched the Salyut 7 satellite into space in 1982 as part of a program to build nine spaceports for other satellites. Soviet astronauts were tasked with performing extravehicular activities on Salyut 7.

With a length of approximately 16 meters and a width of 4.15 meters at its widest point, the estimated total mass of the Salyut 7 satellite was around 22 tons. After three years of operation, the astronauts encountered a peculiar and unexplained event.

It was when the astronauts witnessed a glowing orange cloud unexpectedly appearing outside the Salyut-7 space station in 1985.

After the cloud dissipated, the Soviet astronaut team observed seven humanoid-like creatures on the other side of the window, larger in size with wings behind their backs.

According to the accounts of the astronauts, these extraterrestrial beings emitted a halo-like glow around their heads.

From this point on, some people believed that these extraterrestrial beings in space could be “angels.”

Upon witnessing this mysterious incident, the astronauts wrote a report and sent it to the command center on the ground. As a result, the report was labeled “Classified.” They were also instructed not to disclose the information to the public upon returning to Earth.

Therefore, the information regarding the astronauts’ sighting of angel-like creatures was kept confidential for many years before being disclosed.

Due to the lack of any evidence to confirm the existence of these extraterrestrial beings, authorities have not been able to definitively assert whether they were truly “angels” or not.

The universe is vast and filled with numerous mysteries that humanity has yet to explore. Consequently, the question of whether “angels” truly exist in space remains an enigma that the scientific community yearns to decipher.

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