Peculiar Tale Unfolds: Curious Onlookers Perplexed by the Unconventional Life of India’s Heaviest Girl”

Chahat Kumar, a young girl from India, has earned the nickname “yes boy” due to the challenges she faces in her daily life. Unlike her peers, Chahat is unable to walk independently, presenting numerous obstacles. Adding to her struggles, she has garnered significant media attention globally, primarily due to her overweight condition. At the tender age of just 8 months, she weighed a staggering 17 kg, a weight comparable to that of a 4-5-year-old child.

Chahat’s excessive weight and body fat have led many people to refer to her as the “yes boy.” This attention has raised concerns about her overall health and well-being. Chahat’s weight gain began suddenly when she was 4 months old, drawing criticism towards her parents for allegedly overfeeding her.

According to the India Times, Chahat was born with a normal weight like any other child. However, at 4 months old, her weight started increasing uncontrollably. “Her weight is increasing day by day,” said Suraj Kumar, her father. The excessive weight gain was a result of Chahat’s constant hunger and regular demands for food. Her mother, Reepa, mentioned that Chahat could consume as much food as a 10-year-old boy.

During this time, Chahat’s parents were deeply concerned about their daughter’s weight gain and puzzled about its cause. “She doesn’t eat like a normal child. She keeps eating and doesn’t feel full. If we offer her something, the baby starts crying. Many times she asks to go out, but due to her excessive weight, my wife and I can only take her to nearby places,” expressed Reepa. As Reepa had previously experienced the loss of her first child, she felt scared and powerless seeing her daughter face similar challenges.

Chahat’s story and photos were shared on online forums, triggering frustration among many people who believed her weight issues were a result of her parents’ actions. However, Suraj rejected the criticism and defended his parenting. “It can’t be our fault. My wife and I cannot control the situation. I am sorry that someone makes fun of her because of her appearance,” said Suraj.

Chahat’s obesity has caused several health problems, including difficulties with breathing and sleeping. When her parents took her to the hospital, doctors expressed concern about her condition. Additionally, obtaining blood for analysis became challenging due to the thickness of her skin and layers of fat.

Vasudev Sharma, the attending physician, explained, “We could not perform a blood test because the layer of fat was too thick. Despite trying various methods, we were unable to determine the baby’s condition.”

Experts in India believe that Chahat may have a deficiency in leptin, a hormone that regulates body weight. This deficiency leads to limited satiety signals, causing a constant feeling of hunger and a tendency to eat quickly. Chahat is identified as one of the 51 children worldwide with early-onset obesity due to leptin deficiency.

The family was advised to take their daughter to Amritsar Civil Hospital, but financial constraints made it difficult for them to manage. Despite Chahat’s struggles, her parents remain hopeful that she will be cured of her condition and able to lead a normal life like other children. They are determined to do everything they can to improve her health and ensure her future well-being.

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