“One-in-a-Million” Twins: Meet the Girls Born with Different Colored Skin

Myla and Aпaya, the adorable twin sisters, never fail to turn heads wherever they go. But their charm goes beyond their cuteness; it’s also because they are far from being identical.

Myla, with her darker skin, takes after their mixed-race father, Kyle Arмstroпg, while Aпaya resembles her mom, Haппah Yarker, with fair hair and light eyes.

Haппah, a proud mother at the age of 20, shared with the Mirror, “Everyone comments on them. People say, ‘Are they both yours?’, ‘Are they sisters?’, ‘Are they related?'”

Because they are not identical twins, each developing in separate sacs, Myla has inherited more of their dad’s genes, while Aпaya takes after her mom.

During her pregnancy, Haппah even joked about the possibility of having twins with different skin colors. She recalled, “My family were asking when I was pregnant because my partner is mixed race. They were saying, ‘Imagine if we got one of each.’ That was the joke the whole way through. When we had them, my partner turned round to me and said, ‘They actually are, we’ve got one of each.'”

Haппah, who worked as a receptionist at a doctor’s surgery, had to start maternity leave early because she couldn’t fit behind the desk due to her size.

“They were good weights as well for twins. They say below the five-pound mark is normal, but Aпaya was five-nine, and Myla was six-six,” Haппah shared. “Twins have less room, so they tend to weigh less, but these two stretched me, so they had plenty of room. They were born two minutes apart, and I was only in the hospital for a day and a half before they sent me home.”

Apart from their physical differences, the girls are already developing their unique personalities. Haппah added, “We can’t believe they’re twins. They’ve got the same birthday, same mom and dad, and they’re just complete opposites in every way. Myla is always on the move; she’s already crawling, although backward, while Aпaya is laid back. She can’t even sit up; she just lies there.”

While their family and friends adore the girls in all their differences, Haппah is apprehensive about when they start school. “I think it’s going to be quite difficult to explain to them when they’re older,” she said. “My friends have kids in school, and the kids are quite brutal in a way. They want to know why you look like that if you’ve got the same parents. They’re going to have to explain that they’ve got the same birthday and the same parents but they just look different. We’ll just take it as it comes, I suppose.”

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