What do we know about the “precious gemstone” from the new Solar System object approaching Earth?

At 6:30 a.m. on August 15th, according to Vietnam local time, the planet Mars – also known as the Red Planet – approached its closest point to Earth, entering its “opposition” with the Sun. This celestial event was observable to the naked eye by the public.

According to experts from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), at 11:30 p.m. GMT on August 14th (6:30 a.m. on August 15th in Vietnam local time), Mars, the Red Planet, reached its closest proximity to Earth.

At that moment, Mars entered its “opposition” with the Sun, meaning that the planet aligned in a straight line with Earth and the Sun, marking its closest approach to Earth on its orbit.

Therefore, people had the best opportunity to observe Mars in the year 2022.

Mars is one of the planets that can be easily observed by the naked eye and is often referred to as the “jewel of the solar system” due to its unique appearance and the mysteries it holds.

In recent years, NASA has conducted numerous studies on Mars to search for signs of life on the planet.

Among them, Titan, the largest moon of Mars, has become one of NASA’s primary research targets.

NASA chose Titan because this moon shares similarities with Earth’s early characteristics and possesses the potential for studying the origins of life.

The atmosphere of Titan is predominantly composed of nitrogen, similar to Earth, but with a density four times greater. Additionally, Titan is the only celestial body known to have rivers, lakes, and liquid seas on its surface, although they are composed of hydrocarbons like methane and ethane instead of water.

Even though the rivers, lakes, and seas on Titan contain hydrocarbons, such as methane and ethane, they are not composed of water.

Titan has a thick icy crust, beneath which lies an ocean primarily composed of water. Experts speculate that the underground ocean on Titan might harbor forms of life similar to what we know on Earth. As a result, they are actively searching for evidence to support the existence of life on Mars.

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Be Hieu