“Discovery of a Planet Resembling Earth.”

This planet is located only 22 light-years away from Earth and shares 84% similarity with us.

In the vast universe, there are likely to be planets with conditions similar to Earth. So far, scientists have discovered several such planets, including Gliese 667Cc.

Gliese 667Cc was discovered using the 3.6-meter telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile.

Guillem Anglada-Escudé, an astronomer from the University of Gottingen in Germany, along with colleagues, analyzed data on a star named GJ 667Cc from the Southern European Observatory.

This is a dwarf star located 22 light-years away from Earth and has a lower surface temperature than the Sun.

The research team discovered at least three planets orbiting the star belonging to the Gliese galaxy group. Gliese 667Cc is an exoplanet of Gliese 667C, with a mass 3.9 times that of Earth and classified as a super-Earth.

GJ 667Cc completes one orbit around the star in 28.15 days, meaning its year is almost equal to one month on Earth. It has a mass at least 4.5 times that of Earth.

Scientists concluded that this planet is one of the most suitable celestial bodies for the existence of liquid water. Life forms could also potentially exist there.

However, the existence of liquid water remains a hypothesis until astronomers have more data on the atmosphere of GJ 667Cc.

Furthermore, being part of a planetary system with 3 stars, there is likely at least one other planet orbiting Gliese 667C.

Gliese 667Cc is likely located in the habitable zone. However, its orbit is close enough to the point where it could be scorched by the fire of the red dwarf star.

If we consider GJ 667Cc as well, scientists have only discovered four potentially habitable planets. The names of the other three planets are Kepler 22b (600 light-years away from Earth), Gliese 581d (20 light-years away from Earth), and HD 85512 b (36 light-years away from Earth).

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