Congratulations to the successful mother of triplets after 12 hours of waiting.

A couple from Eastbourne, East Sussex, has recently shared their unique “military schedule” for managing their home and caring for their seven-month-old triplets. Rachael and Chris Winterton went through two rounds of IVF before welcoming their three bundles of joy, Jude, Lily-Rose, and Esme, in August of last year. The couple affectionately refers to their triplets as their “little Winnies.”

Rachael, 28, who gave birth to the triplets, revealed the meticulous minute-by-minute routine that she and her 29-year-old husband Chris follow each day. Initially, it was a challenging task to feed three little mouths every few hours, but they have now established a rhythm. Bedtime holds great importance in their daily schedule, followed by naps, walks, games, feeding, bathing, and storytelling.

Rachael admits that since the trio was born, both she and Chris haven’t had a moment of sleep. The constant movement and chasing after the kids throughout the day have caused her to shed all her pregnancy weight. They credit their survival to their incredibly structured daily routine, which resembles a military operation. Their day starts at 6:30 a.m., with Lily-Rose being the first to be fed due to her being the youngest and fastest.

Rachael explains how they trade positions, allowing one of them to entertain the children while the other changes into fresh clothes. While Chris leaves for work as a mortgage advisor, Rachael, who is currently on maternity leave, stays at home to care for the triplets. However, Chris always returns home to assist with lunchtime.

They schedule 30-minute naps during the day, making time for meals and play sessions. The triplets absolutely adore their Jumperoos, and Rachael sings to them throughout the day, incorporating sign language, which they enjoy. Every evening, they have a heartfelt storytime session, with Esme being the most patient and waiting for her turn to take a shower.

At 6:45 p.m., the triplets are put to bed, allowing Rachael and Chris a brief window to prepare themselves, have dinner, and get some rest before another early start the next day. Chris had to give up his golfing hobby to assist with the increased workload, but despite the challenges, the new parents are thoroughly enjoying their journey.

Rachael shares that being a new mother is “three times harder than you’d imagine, which is a little irritating,” but she wouldn’t trade it for anything. Alongside the increased workload, they also experience three times the amount of happiness, smiles, and love. After spending £11,500 on a second round of IVF, hoping for at least one successful birth, the couple was thrilled to welcome their triplets into the world. Despite being delivered via C-section at 33 weeks and weighing a combined 11lb 3oz, the triplets were released from intensive care after 2.5 weeks and are already reaching their milestones.

Rachael describes her children’s personalities, highlighting how Esme is usually calm but occasionally displays a wild side by roaring at them. Lily-Rose is a sensitive girl who enjoys socializing but can also become fearful easily. Jude, on the other hand, is a mischievous little monkey who loves it when they blow raspberries, even though Rachael knows she shouldn’t encourage it. Overall, they are incredibly proud of their three little Winnies and cherish the joy and love they bring into their lives.

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