The Challenges of Formula-Feeding: Mom Shares Her Experience

Here it is. Constance Hall has expressed her opinion, and let’s admit it, she’s quite accurate.

To commemorate World Breastfeeding Week, Constance Hall has shared a stunning photo of herself tandem feeding her twins. However, it’s her caption that truly captivates us with her remarkable honesty once again. She states, “There is no right or wrong. There is simply the way of the Queen.”

“It’s International Breastfeeding Week. Babies are beautiful, and there’s nothing better than a baby with a satisfied tummy,” Constance writes.

Breastfeeding mothers deserve all the admiration in the world; they are incredible, selfless superheroes. But you know who else deserves the same level of praise? Formula-feeding mothers.

I started exclusively formula-feeding the twins when they were around 5 months old, and let me tell you, it’s no walk in the park either. In fact, in some ways, it’s even more challenging than breastfeeding. Making formula, cleaning bottles—none of it is fun.

However, I was fortunate enough to share the workload with Bill, my mom, and basically anyone who entered my house, and that made a world of difference. It took me four babies to realize that I wasn’t earning any medals by making my life harder. Now, I understand that all too well.

I owe most of my mental health and happiness to the shortcuts I’ve taken. Formula-feeding isn’t giving up on breastfeeding, just as much as breastfeeding isn’t giving up on formula. There is no right or wrong. There is simply the way of the Queen.

“I hope that all the breastfeeding posts make breastfeeding mothers feel special, because you truly are. But I sincerely hope that they don’t make formula-feeding mothers feel any less special. Because, if you ask me, we’re all pretty damn special.

Any parent who perseveres through the trials and challenges of feeding a baby should be celebrated this week and every week. The secret is that most of the time, what’s best for you and what’s best for your baby are one and the same.”

Within the past hour, Con’s post has already garnered 10K reactions and over 700 shares. As you can imagine, her post has received mixed responses. In the comments, Constance adds, “I’m genuinely surprised by how many people are so interested in how others feed their babies… Everyone should focus on their own child and leave other mothers alone.”

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