Sssssupper time! Incredible pictures show an eagle face off with a venomous cobra before catching it, tearing it in half and swallowing it in India





A photographer in India has captured awe-inspiring images of a short-toed Snake Eagle engaging in a daring battle with a venomous cobra. Gowathaman Ganesan, a 48-year-old entrepreneur, witnessed this dramatic encounter at Thenneri Lake in the Kanchipuram district of India in August.


On a cloudy day on the outskirts of the district, Ganesan observed the female Snake Eagle soaring through the sky, searching for its next meal. After a prolonged flight, the eagle began hovering at an altitude of 300 meters, scanning the surroundings for prey. With incredible precision, it locked onto its target—a 4-foot Indian cobra.

As Ganesan and his team approached the scene, they watched in awe as the eagle swiftly dove towards its prey. By the time they arrived, the eagle had already seized the cobra’s head firmly in its powerful talons. The photographer described the intense moment, saying, “After cleaving the snake’s head, the eagle ripped the meal into two pieces and started feasting on the bottom part—it was crazy to see.”

The captured photographs offer a glimpse into the fierce battle between the fearless eagle and the venomous cobra. The eagle’s sharp beak effortlessly splits the cobra’s scales as it tears the serpent apart, savoring its hard-earned meal.

Such sightings of predatory birds successfully hunting and consuming venomous snakes are rare and often considered a testament to their strength and agility. This particular encounter serves as a reminder of the extraordinary power and survival instincts possessed by these remarkable creatures.

Gowathaman Ganesan’s incredible photographs have not only captured a thrilling moment in nature but also provide valuable insights into the delicate balance of the ecosystem. These images serve as a testament to the diverse and awe-inspiring wildlife found in India, reminding us of the importance of preserving and protecting these magnificent creatures and their habitats.

As nature continues to surprise us with its extraordinary encounters, photographers like Gowathaman Ganesan play a crucial role in documenting and sharing these remarkable moments, allowing us to marvel at the wonders of the natural world.





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