Confused Cat Mistakes Baby Bouncer as His Own and Can’t Understand Why the Baby Keeps Trying to Use It

While some cats can’t get enough cuddles, others prefer their personal space. Flynn, a cat who falls into the latter category, typically isn’t fond of snuggling with his owners. However, everything changed when Flynn’s mom, Rachel Franzen, became pregnant. Just like many cats in similar situations, Flynn became incredibly protective and affectionate.

According to Franzen, Flynn started following her around the house. When her son Rory arrived home, Flynn immediately fell in love with his new baby brother. He adores Rory and, of course, all the exciting toys that come with him.

The first time Flynn laid eyes on the baby bouncer, his excitement was palpable. He mistakenly believed that the cozy chair was meant for him. Unaware that it was intended for Rory, Flynn made himself comfortable, rolling upside down and requesting belly rubs. It had become his designated post-breakfast nap spot.

Whenever Franzen was ready to put Rory in the bouncer, she would often find Flynn already settled in. Surprisingly, Flynn didn’t mind Rory snuggling up next to him. He was probably just puzzled as to why Rory insisted on using his chair. It was undoubtedly Flynn’s favorite spot in the house.

Luckily, Flynn adores Rory and doesn’t mind sharing. They would remain cuddled up together until it was time to move on. Flynn’s affection for Rory was evident as he licked Rory’s hand before grooming himself, showcasing their special bond.

We cherish the friendship between Flynn and Rory, and we’re confident that many more bouncer chair cuddle sessions are in their future. If you enjoyed this heartwarming story, please share it with your friends and family members!

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Be Hieu