Say hello to Patches, the cat who weighs as much as a four-year-old.

Meet Patches, an adorable cat who weighs an astounding 2st 9lbs (18.2kg), equivalent to the weight of an average four-year-old child. While the average domestic cat typically weighs around 10lbs, Patches exceeds that weight by fourfold.

Previously put up for adoption by his owners, Patches didn’t have to wait long for a new home. Retiree Kay Ford saw his pictures online and instantly knew he was the perfect cat for her. Within just a day, Kay adopted Patches, recognizing the special bond they would share. She jokingly remarked that she knew there would be countless others falling in love with Patches at the same time.

Patches found a temporary home at the Richmond Animal Care and Control in Richmond, Virginia, where staff members put him on a diet to help manage his weight. After 15 days, they reached out on social media, seeking a suitable home for Patches. Describing him as a lovable feline with an impressive 40.3-pound (18.2kg) frame, they highlighted his special diet and exercise plan.

Living nearby, Kay wasted no time in visiting the shelter and meeting Patches, who immediately began purring. The connection was instant, and Kay knew right then that Patches was meant to be her cat. Alongside her other cat, Wellesley, Kay now provides a loving home for Patches, cherishing his unique presence.

Patches’ story captured the hearts of many, thanks to his remarkable size and charming personality. His journey from being put up for adoption to finding a caring home showcases the power of love and the special bond between humans and their animal companions.

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