1,000-year-old ‘lost’ pyramid city in the heart of Mexico was as densely built as Manhattan

Archaeologists have made a remarkable discovery in the heart of Mexico—a “lost” pyramid city that dates back 1,000 years and is believed to have been as densely built as Manhattan. The ancient city, named Angamuco, was once a thriving metropolis of the Purépecha civilization, located in the state of Michoacán.

Using LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, researchers were able to uncover the true extent and layout of Angamuco, which had been obscured by dense vegetation over the centuries. The results revealed a sprawling urban center covering approximately 26 square kilometers (10 square miles), with an estimated population of 100,000 inhabitants.

What makes Angamuco particularly fascinating is its unique organization. Unlike most ancient cities, which typically feature a central pyramid surrounded by smaller structures, Angamuco boasts numerous pyramids and platforms distributed evenly across the city. The LiDAR scans revealed the presence of over 40,000 architectural features, including pyramids, temples, plazas, and ball courts.

The city’s dense urban layout is reminiscent of modern cities like Manhattan, with buildings densely packed together and interconnected by a complex network of roads and avenues. The discovery challenges previous assumptions about urban planning in pre-Columbian America and sheds new light on the advanced engineering and organizational skills of the Purépecha civilization.

The LiDAR technology not only provided a comprehensive view of the city’s layout but also helped researchers identify structures that were previously unknown or hidden beneath the dense vegetation. The findings have sparked excitement among archaeologists, who are eager to explore the site further and gain a deeper understanding of the Purépecha civilization and its cultural and political significance.

The discovery of Angamuco offers a glimpse into the complex urban life of a pre-Columbian civilization and highlights the remarkable achievements of indigenous cultures in the Americas. By studying and preserving these ancient cities, researchers can uncover invaluable insights into the history and heritage of indigenous peoples and their contributions to human civilization.

Angamuco’s “lost” pyramid city serves as a testament to the enduring power of archaeological exploration and the constant potential for new discoveries that reshape our understanding of the past. As researchers continue to delve into the mysteries of this ancient city, we can anticipate further revelations that will deepen our appreciation for the rich tapestry of human history.

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