“Astronomers Discover a New World: The Highly Habitable Alien Planet with an 84% Chance of Life”

The Kepler mission made a remarkable discovery by detecting a planet in orbit around the star KOI-3010 using the transit method. Scientists are particularly intrigued by this planet because it exhibits characteristics similar to those found on Earth.

Located in the constellation Lyra, the red dwarf star KOI-3010 is situated approximately 1213 light-years away from us. It is an ancient star, estimated to be around 13.9 billion years old. The planet orbiting KOI-3010, known as KOI-3010.01 or KOI-3010 b, falls into the category of a warm super-Earth. Although it is more massive than Earth, it is significantly smaller than gas giants. It completes one orbit around its star in approximately 60 Earth days.

A diagram illustrating Kepler’s discoveries shows the size of planets with radii less than twice that of Earth as a function of the mean stellar flux and the temperature of the star they orbit. The green band represents the approximate boundaries of the habitable zone, while the size of the planets corresponds to their measured radii.

The planet’s environmental factors play a crucial role in the origin and evolution of life. KOI-3010.01 has an average temperature of 19.6 degrees Celsius and a radius 1.35 times that of Earth. Although the composition of its atmosphere remains largely unknown, it is assumed to be similar to Earth’s. The mass index of the planet has yet to be determined. Researchers speculate that the exoplanet KOI-3010.01 not only possesses a temperate climate like Earth but also harbors a liquid ocean covering approximately 65% of its surface.

It is believed that the chemical composition of exoplanets closely resembles that of Earth. Notably, KOI-3010.01 resides within the habitable zone, and its similarity index to Earth is 0.84 (with 1 being the maximum similarity). Consequently, scientists consider the exoplanet to have a high probability of hosting life.

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Be Hieu