Dog with malformed face dumped by family: Then angel arrives and makes everything right

Lucky’s life was far from fortunate. Despite being born at a puppy factory, no one wanted to adopt him due to his malformed face. Throughout his life, he was passed from one owner to the next, and none of them took proper care of him. Lucky’s most recent family in Austin, Texas, neglected him and left him tied to a tree without proper food or shelter, as their cats didn’t like him being inside.

When the family decided to move, they called a dog shelter to get rid of Lucky. Volunteers from the shelter found a foster family for him, but they backed out upon seeing his face. However, a post on social media caught the attention of Jamie Hult, who decided to adopt Lucky.

Lucky was in terrible condition, suffering from malnutrition, fleas, and worms. Jamie spent around $8,000 on his treatment to restore his health. Despite almost losing him once, Jamie was determined to give Lucky the love and care he deserved. Lucky made a full recovery and is now living a healthy and happy life as Beaux Tox.

Jamie changed his name to reflect his need for Botox and her expensive dog bills. Beaux Tox is a loving and carefree dog who has helped raise kittens and taken good care of his younger sister. Jamie is grateful for the experience and still rescues and fosters animals.

Lucky’s story is a heartwarming adoption story that teaches us not to judge a book by its cover. Every animal deserves a chance at a happy life, regardless of their appearance. Share Lucky’s story with your loved ones to honor his battle and inspire others to give neglected animals a chance.

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Au Gia Lam