Faces Of The Wild: I Fight Animal Captivity With My Portraits

Get ready to be captivated by a new portrait series that’s taking the internet by storm – Faces of the Wild. This unique and powerful project is the brainchild of an artist who is fighting against animal captivity through her stunning portraits.

The idea behind Faces of the Wild was born from the artist’s observation of captive animals, who are often seen rocking back and forth in their cages, exhibiting signs of mental anguish from being held in enclosures for extended periods of time. The artist was heartbroken at the thought of how silent these majestic wild animals must feel while living in zoos, away from any natural habitat that emulates their native environments.

Through her portraits, the artist aims to raise awareness about the plight of captive animals. She believes that these creatures deserve to roam free in natural habitats, and not be confined to small enclosures for the sake of human entertainment.

The United States has vast swathes of land, which could provide ample free-range environments for these animals. The artist hopes that her photo series will open up the eyes of those who don’t realize how primitive the life of a captive wild animal really is.

Faces of the Wild is more than just a collection of stunning portraits. It’s a powerful message that highlights the need to protect our planet’s wildlife and preserve their natural habitats. By sharing these images, the artist hopes to spark a conversation about animal captivity and inspire people to take action.

So, if you’re looking for a dose of inspiration today, look no further than Faces of the Wild. It’s a project that’s sure to leave you captivated and moved by the beauty of the natural world, and the urgent need to protect it.

Let’s learn more about these beautiful and meaningful works



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Au Gia Lam