This is a picture of your child before school and after school

As the sun rises and the school bell rings, children eagerly prepare to embark on another day of learning. Clad in their crisply ironed uniforms and shiny shoes, they radiate with excitement and energy. But as the day progresses, the enthusiasm begins to wane, and by the time school is out, a stark transformation takes place.

Before school, children are a picture of perfection. Their hair is neatly combed, their faces are scrubbed clean, and their clothes are freshly pressed. They skip down the streets with a spring in their step, looking forward to the day ahead. Their backpacks are packed with snacks and school supplies, and they are ready to take on the world.

But after school, the scene is very different. Clothes are wrinkled, hair is a mess, and faces are smudged with dirt and sweat. Backpacks are heavier and children are tired and hungry. They trudge home with heavy steps, dragging their feet and wishing for the day to be over.

It’s amazing how much can change in just a few short hours. The same children who were so full of life and energy in the morning now seem drained and exhausted. Their once-bright eyes are now dull and listless, and their smiles have turned to frowns.


But despite the transformation, there is still something charming about these tired, disheveled little ones. Their messy hair and rumpled clothes give them a certain endearing quality that is hard to resist. And as they stumble home, dragging their feet and clutching their backpacks, one thing is certain: they have given it their all.


So the next time you see a tired, bedraggled child stumbling home from school, take a moment to appreciate their hard work and dedication. It’s not easy being a student, but with a little bit of encouragement and support, these little ones will continue to shine.


the transformation of children before and after school is remarkable. Before school, they are full of energy and excitement, while after school they are tired and worn out. However, despite their exhaustion, they are still charming and endearing. Let’s all take a moment to appreciate the hard work and dedication of these young students.

Let’s see more lovely pictures of the children after a tiring day of studying

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Au Gia Lam