Survivor Dog Inspires Others to Persevere After House Fire and Battling Illness

Taka, a remarkable canine, suffered life-altering injuries approximately three and a half years ago during a harrowing house fire incident that left him trapped inside. His life was saved by the dedicated staff at Care More Animal Hospital in Martinez, Georgia. Given the severity of his wounds, Taka’s family made the tough decision to entrust him to the veterinary clinic to assist in his adjustment to a new way of life.

Crystal Lesley, Taka’s mother and a dedicated employee at Care More Animal Hospital, shared with The Dodo, “After he was burnt, he had a very challenging rehabilitation journey.” This rehabilitation occurred in stages, with the initial phase spanning four to six weeks. Despite his family’s best efforts, two wounds refused to heal, prompting the JM’s Burn Center to seek assistance.

Taka’s life has undergone a profound transformation since the fire. His injuries have healed, but he now grapples with a complete lack of depth perception and poor vision, which makes navigating his surroundings a challenging task. Although his burns have scarred, fur never regrew in certain areas. Change can be daunting for Taka after all he’s been through, so his family maintains a rigorous routine to keep him feeling secure and comfortable.

However, none of these obstacles have dampened his spirit. According to Lesley, “[He] is the toughest, bravest little fighter you will ever meet.” “Nothing can bring this spirited dog down. He relishes every moment of life.”

Lesley believed that people should meet Taka and hear his story once he had sufficiently recovered. She had him trained as a therapy dog and began taking him to a nearby burn center to visit and comfort the patients. Taka thoroughly enjoyed these visits, and the patients who understood his journey appreciated his presence.

The staff at the Burn Unit has developed a deep affection for Taka, as Lesley attested. They eagerly pet him, take photos, and seek to learn everything about him. Undoubtedly, Taka brightens their days. Taka even had the opportunity to roam around and distribute a coloring book created by the burn center, where he is the protagonist.

Since the onset of the pandemic, Taka hasn’t been able to engage in as much therapy dog work as before. Lesley is cautious not to overburden him, especially considering his age and increased susceptibility to fatigue. Nevertheless, he continues to uplift people through occasional visits and his online presence. He even provides support to other injured canines at the veterinary clinic where his mother works.

Taka has endured a great deal, but he never lets it diminish his spirit. His family remains in awe of him every day.

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