Incredible Shots: Wild Elephants Taking a Refreshing Dip in a Pool to Beat the Intense Heat

These incredible photos capture a remarkable sight: a herd of wild elephants seeking respite and refreshment in a swimming pool amidst scorching 38°C heat. These jaw-dropping images were skillfully captured by Paul Andrew Schofield, a 34-year-old photographer, at the Bukela Game Lodge located in the heart of the Amakhala Game Reserve in South Africa.

Paul’s unique connection with these elephants has been built over a decade of working at the lodge, a relationship of trust that allows him to observe and document moments like this. The elephants now feel secure enough to bring their young calves to the pool, even while Paul is present, a privilege he doesn’t take lightly. In fact, the photographs include a breathtaking shot of a massive bull elephant emerging from the bush to partake in the cool waters of the pool.

Speaking about the experience, Paul expressed his profound sense of connection with these magnificent creatures: “I felt quite touched that the herd felt safe enough to bring the youngsters so close to the pool while I was there. Normally, they are very protective and keep their young away from any stranger or threat. They thoroughly enjoyed the refreshment as it was a scorching 38 degrees Celsius. I feel they felt quite safe and were very relaxed drinking with my presence right there, almost to the point that they felt I had given them permission to do so. I loved every minute of the behavior they were exhibiting, full-on playing and elation is what I was experiencing while lying on the opposite side of the pool.”

Prior to Paul’s involvement with the elephants, their behavior was quite different. He elaborated, “I have been working closely with this herd for the past decade as they had been behaving badly around the lodge and guests. Not in any life-threatening way, just quite destructive due to their large proportions. I have been instilling social cues and installing boundaries for the herd, just by being present and communicating our boundaries in a respectful manner. Especially around the pools, I make sure I am around when they are there, to educate our guests but to also interact with the herd and show them when and how it’s OK to drink the water from the pools safely.”

These elephants make a frequent appearance at the lodge, visiting every three to four days to savor the pool’s water, which is believed to be their most reliable source in the area. It’s an extraordinary sight and a testament to the remarkable bond that has developed between Paul and this majestic elephant herd.

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