A Heartfelt Farewell: A Brother’s Tender Kiss

Saying goodbye is never easy, and the pain of parting leaves a lingering void in the hearts of those who must carry on without their loved ones. Some families are confronted with the unimaginable pain of bidding farewell to a child who departs for heaven far too soon.

For the Bingham family, they said their farewells to their little brother with a kiss, and since that poignant moment, they believe he still plays with them.

Their journey began with 18-month-old Milo’s diagnosis of leukemia at the tender age of two. Despite a year-long battle against the relentless disease, Milo passed away on February 23 of this year.

Milo peacefully left this world in his mother’s loving arms. His father penned a heartfelt message on their page on that fateful day, saying, “Milo went home with Jesus this morning. He peacefully left while his mother held him in her arms. You will always be with me, my son.”

Just hours after Milo’s passing, Kassady, Milo’s mother, shared devastating images of the moment she held her beloved child for the last time before entrusting him to a nurse.

She recounted, “The last time I held my perfect and sweet boy. His spirit had already departed, but I couldn’t let him go. His body started stiffening as I held him. I could no longer have his fingers wrapped around mine; I saw his lips turning blue, his skin turning green, and his tongue turning white. Finally, I handed him over to a nurse I had just met that day, and I watched as she walked away with my baby in her arms.”

Kassady Bingham, the mother of 2-year-old Lucca and Milo, shared an emotional account of how her older son bid farewell to his little brother through touching images of the funeral. Lucca gave his brother a kiss, knowing that Milo had gone to heaven after a harrowing battle between hospitals, treatments, and ups and downs.

Despite the pain, Kassady finds solace in the hope of reuniting with her beloved child: “He seemed quieter than ever, and it even seemed like he was almost smiling again. I know he’s smiling in heaven. His body may be gone, but he’s still here. Every day, we’re one day closer to you. I can’t wait to continue raising you in heaven with your perfect and healthy body. Mommy loves you,” wrote Kassady.

Kassady and her husband, Konnor, offer their son, Lucca, all the necessary support to cope with the loss of his brother. Lucca believes that his brother accompanies him and even shared an extraordinary experience with his parents.

“A couple of weeks ago, he walked into my room and said, ‘Mom! I have to tell you a secret! Milo comes and plays with me, and now he can crawl!'” the child confided in his mother.

The Bingham family’s story reminds us that love transcends physical boundaries, and the cherished memories of their little one continue to bring comfort and hope during their grieving process.



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