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Breaking Taboos: A Disabled Woman’s Journey Through Pregnancy
In a society that often shies away from discussing disabilities, Alex is on a mission to spark conversations through her Instagram posts. Alex herself faces the challenges of spinal muscular atrophy type 2, a genetic condition that affects the motor neurons responsible for muscle movement. Unexpectedly, she had to halt her treatment due to her pregnancy.

While her pregnancy is considered high-risk, Alex is under the careful supervision of a dedicated team of doctors. She wants to emphasize that many women with her condition have successfully given birth, acknowledging the challenges but highlighting the possibility. Her primary concern is likely to be her respiratory health, which may necessitate a C-section.

One unique aspect of Alex’s journey is the need for intubation during delivery for her safety, an arrangement she acknowledges is less than ideal. However, she is determined to challenge the notion that disabled individuals are incapable of caring for their babies. In a powerful video response, she showcases her range of movement, proving that disability should never be underestimated.

Unfortunately, Alex has had to contend with disappointment as non-disabled individuals assume her capabilities and offer unsolicited ableist opinions about her parenting abilities. She questions whether these opinions stem from their own insecurities and lack of exposure to disabled women in pregnancy. Alex believes that such views arise from societal stigma, discomfort with disability, and a lack of education, representation, and visibility.

In her quest to end the stigma, Alex advocates for an end to bump shaming and body criticism. She has received comments criticizing the size of her baby bump, but she firmly asserts that all bumps and bodies are different, valid, and worthy. Some have even questioned whether she is showing or doubted her pregnancy altogether. To counter these claims, she shares comparison photos of her pre-pregnancy and current appearance, highlighting the individuality of pregnancy experiences.

Alex’s openness about her pregnancy as a disabled woman aims to challenge societal perceptions, foster understanding, and promote inclusivity and acceptance for disabled parents. Through her Instagram platform, she is breaking down barriers and showing the world that disability should never define one’s parenting abilities. Alex’s journey is not just a personal one; it’s a call for a more inclusive and compassionate society where every parent, regardless of ability, is celebrated and supported.

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Be Hieu