Tripled Joy: A Heartwarming Tale of Unexpected Blessings

When Silje Andersen-Cooke went in for her second pregnancy’s dating scan, she had no idea that her life was about to take an extraordinary turn. Silje, a lawyer, and her partner Jordan, already parents to their 18-month-old son Mads, were feeling relatively confident about this pregnancy, thinking that, second time around, they knew what to expect. Little did they know that they were in for a surprise that would triple their joy.

The couple had planned to give Mads a sibling, but Silje’s pregnancy took an unexpected twist. During the sonogram, their gynecologist revealed the astonishing news: Silje was expecting not one, not two, but three babies. This revelation turned Silje’s life into a rollercoaster of emotions, from anxiety and worry to overwhelming happiness.

Silje’s pregnancy was far from easy. She experienced more pain and discomfort than her first pregnancy and was constantly concerned about the well-being of her babies. At 30 weeks, she had to stop working and was bedridden for four weeks until the scheduled delivery.

During this challenging period, Silje attended fortnightly appointments and scans at the multiples clinic to ensure the babies’ growth remained on track. Despite the discomfort of carrying triplets, Silje knew that her physical well-being was crucial in making decisions about the pregnancy’s progression.

Finally, the day arrived when the three siblings were born via caesarean section. The delivery went smoothly, with each triplet born just two minutes apart. Ada, Teddy, and Erik, their names now synonymous with boundless love and joy, entered the world. Ada weighed 1.8 kg, Teddy was 2.1 kg, and Erik was born weighing 2.3 kg.

The first few days saw the babies in incubators, with one of them requiring surgery. Fortunately, everything went well, and the family was reunited at home. Although the adventure had been tough, it was worth every moment, and the new members of their family brought immense happiness.

After a brief period in the hospital, the couple was discharged, but the babies spent 19 days in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Silje and Jordan divided their time between caring for Mads and visiting their newborns. Silje diligently pumped milk to ensure the babies received proper nutrition.

Once back home, they entered survival mode, adhering to a strict three-hour feeding schedule during the day. Silje tandem breastfed two of the babies, while Jordan fed the third with expressed milk. Juggling a busy toddler alongside the triplets was a demanding task but filled with love.

Silje’s breastfeeding journey had its challenges, with physical demands and the need for top-up feeds, ultimately leading to weaning at four months. The couple received invaluable support from an extensive network of family and friends who provided meals and entertained Mads.

Silje emphasized the importance of this support system in maintaining her mental well-being during this relentless but rewarding journey. While the experience was undoubtedly demanding, the joy brought by their three beautiful blessings made it all worthwhile, and Silje wouldn’t have it any other way, though more help would have been appreciated.

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