A Mother’s Unwavering Love: Overcoming Challenges for Her Daughter’s Rare Condition

Valéria Fehlberg da Silva, a devoted housewife, has exemplified the boundless love and courage of a mother in the face of adversity. Her six-year-old daughter, Rillari, suffers from the rare Edwards syndrome, also known as Trisomy 18, which brings with it developmental delays and a shortened life expectancy.

Despite the numerous obstacles that come with Rillari’s condition, Valéria remains steadfast in her support for her daughter, as well as her three older children. The demands of caring for Rillari have limited Valéria’s ability to work outside the home. However, she has found innovative ways to generate income while caring for her daughter’s needs.

Since 2017, Valéria has been selling dolls crafted by an artisan friend, but the earnings were modest. Determined to provide for Rillari’s treatment, she took matters into her own hands and learned how to make these dolls herself. By March, Valéria had already produced around 200 dolls, intending to sell them at a charity event to raise funds for Rillari’s treatment.

Unfortunately, the charity event did not go as planned, as no one attended, not even the volunteers who had committed to help. This setback deeply saddened Valéria, as she had hoped to use the event’s proceeds to purchase a much-needed respirator for Rillari, costing approximately $2,300, as well as an adapted chair to enhance her daughter’s quality of life.

Valéria explained that there may have been a misunderstanding, leading to the event’s failure. She had produced twice the usual number of dolls in anticipation of selling them all to fund the respirator for her daughter.

Despite this setback, Valéria’s story touched the hearts of kind-hearted individuals who initiated a charity campaign on social media to raise the necessary funds to cover Rillari’s basic needs, including diapers and cereal.

We hope that more compassionate individuals will join this campaign, share Rillari’s story on their networks, and contribute to ensuring that Rillari receives the care and support she needs to thrive. Valéria’s unwavering determination and love for her daughter serve as a testament to the strength of a mother’s love in the face of adversity.


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