Defying Stereotypes: Embracing the True Value Beyond Chromosomes

In a world that sometimes fails to see beyond stereotypes and prejudices, a remarkable family’s story serves as a poignant reminder of the power of love, resilience, and the immeasurable worth of every individual. Meet Emberlu Avetik, the vibrant little girl who defied the odds, and the family that saw the true value beyond her chromosomes.

For 777 days, Emberlu lived her life as an orphan in a distant corner of the world, within the confines of an orphanage room. She waited, perhaps unaware that her journey was destined for something extraordinary. Then, 38 days ago, her life took a remarkable turn. No longer an orphan, she emerged as a cherished daughter, sister, and friend.

The Breitenstein family’s adoption journey began nearly two years ago, in January of 2019, with a calling from a higher power—a call to embrace the unknown path of international adoption for a child with Down syndrome. Their “yes” was not a proclamation of extraordinary courage but rather a humble acknowledgment of faith—the kind of faith that trusts in a higher purpose.

Despite the family’s initial lack of preparedness, they believed in the calling. Armenia, a nation of breathtaking beauty, became the backdrop of their journey. Armenia, a country that doesn’t allow advocacy for waiting children, had its own hidden faces—those of the children who were silently waiting. In 2019, 638 children resided in Armenian orphanages, with 471 having disabilities. Shockingly, one in four Armenian orphans with disabilities would never leave the orphanage grounds.

The road to Emberlu was not without its challenges. A setback emerged when they learned of an adoption scandal involving the orphanage director. Children had been bought and sold, and illegal adoptions had taken place. The Breitensteins endured months of heartbreak, waiting for justice.

Finally, in December of 2019, they received the referral for Emberlu—a face they’d only seen once in a photograph. A month later, they boarded a plane to meet her. As they walked into the orphanage, they realized they were standing in a moment they’d prayed for tirelessly.

The moment Emberlu was placed in her mother’s arms, something magical happened. The little girl looked deep into her mother’s eyes, and their souls seemed to recognize each other. It was a silent yet profound introduction, as if Emberlu was saying, “Oh, there you are…”

Their journey included ten days spent with Emberlu and the other waiting children in the orphanage. Mandy, Emberlu’s mother, held these children in her arms, knowing that many of them would never have families. She cradled one little girl, singing “Jesus Loves Me,” her heart breaking for the need for physical touch.

After this heart-wrenching visit, they left Emberlu, expecting to return in eight weeks. However, life had other plans, and the COVID-19 pandemic kept them separated for over eight months. During this time, they received no photos, no updates, and celebrated Emberlu’s second birthday without her. The waiting was agonizing, but it also taught them the profound lesson of surrender.

In September of 2020, they received the long-awaited news of their court date. Armenia was in the midst of war, but they believed they needed to complete this journey as a family. They traveled to Armenia, defying the threat of war, and on November 4, they walked out of the orphanage with Emberlu. She had spent 777 days as an orphan, but that day marked the beginning of her life as a daughter.

Now, just over a month after bringing Emberlu home, the Breitenstein family continues to be amazed by their vibrant, brave, and resilient daughter. They see her as a spark, a gift, and a reminder that worth is not defined by chromosomes. Emberlu’s life is a masterpiece, and she is a work of art created by a higher power. She is not her disability; she is a radiant soul with immeasurable purpose and value.

Emberlu Avetik’s story challenges society’s norms and reminds us that every individual, regardless of their background or abilities, deserves love, acceptance, and a chance to shine brightly in this world. The Breitenstein family’s journey serves as a testament to the power of faith, love, and the belief that every child is a precious gift waiting to be embraced by a family who sees the true value beyond chromosomes. Emberlu is not just a story of adoption; she is a story of hope, resilience, and the extraordinary beauty of every life.

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